
Pangnirtung - Young Hunters Program Faulkner C.W, Ittinuar S. J., Tartak C.U., L'Herault V., Harris L., Davoren G., and Yurkowski D. (2024). Spatiotemporal variation in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) foraging ecology along western Hudson Bay, Nunavut, Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Safe To Eat, 2024 Muskox, 2023 Sudlovenick, E., Simonee, J., Jones, M. E., L'Hérault, V., Hernández-Ortiz, A., Jenkins, E., ... & Daoust, P. Y. (2023). Surveillance for zoonotic pathogens and Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit of ringed seals (nattiit)(Pusa hispida) in Frobisher Bay and Eclipse Sound, Nunavut, Canada. ARCTIC. The Guardians of Aviqtuuq, 2023 Elders' testimonies on Shipping Traffic near Baker Lake & Chesterfield, Nunavut, 2023 Under the Sea, 2022 Aviqtuuq IPCA, 2022 Attigi - Silappas, 2021 Watt, C.A., Simonee, J., L’Herault, V., Zhou, R., Ferguson, S., Marcoux, M., and Black, S. (2021) Cortisol levels in narwhal (Monodon monoceros) blubber from 2000-2019. Arctic Science. DOI: 10.1139/AS-2020-0034 Compendium of Testimonies - Pond Inlet, 2021 Youth Stories - Tad Tulurialik, 2020 Youth Stories - Lars Qaqqaq, 2020 A learning journey, 2020 Gora, S.L., Anaviapik Soucie, T., McCormick, N.E., Ontiveros, C.C., L'Hérault, V., Gavin, M., Trueman, B.F., Campbell, J., Stoddart, A.K., Gagnon, G.A., (2020) Microbiological water quality in a decentralized Arctic drinking water system, Environmental Science, Water Research & Technology, DOI: 10.1039/d0ew00019a Kilabuk, M.L., L’Hérault, V., (2020) Pangnirtung Youth Tackle Climate Change: On-the-land knowledge exchange, monitoring, and filmmaking promoting adaptation and well-being, Oral presentation, ADAPT Canada Conference, February 18-21, Vancouver, BC. Gora, S., Trueman, B.F., Anaviapik-Soucie, T., Gavin, M.K., Ontiveros, C.C., Campbell, J., L'Hérault, V., Stoddart, A.K., Gagnon, G.A., (2020) Source water characteristics and building-specific factors influence corrosion and point of use water quality in a decentralized arctic drinking water system, Environmental Science & Technology, 54(4): 2192-2201 Rahm, J., Anaviapik-Soucie, T., Ilisarniliriniq, K., Kidd, J., L’Hérault, V., Pitseolak, J., Tagalik, S., (2019) Recreating a place of honour and respect for young people: Insights from community driven and Inuit led environmental stewardship and curriculum development projects, Inuit Studies Conference 2019, October 3-5, Montreal, QC. Trueman, B.F., Anaviapik-Soucie, L'Hérault, V., Gagnon, G.A., (2019) Characterizing colloidal metals in drinking water by field flow fractionation, Environmental Science: Water Resources Technology 5(2202) Tagalik, S., Baker, K., Billard, G., Bell, J., Anoee, E., l’Hérault, V., Truchon, M.-H., Rahm, J., (2019) The Contribution of Inuit Youth and Community-Driven Informal Educational Programs to Life-Long Learning and Perseverance. Journal of Perseverance and Academic Achievement for First Peoples, 3: 102-105 Trueman, B.F., Gregory, B.S., McCormick, N.E., Gao, Y., Gora, S., Anaviapik-Soucie, T., L’Hérault, V., Gagnon, G.A., (2019) Manganese increases lead release to drinking water, Environmental Science & Technology 53(9): 4803-4812, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b00317 Simonee, J., L’Hérault, V., Muir, D., Wang, X., Furgal, C., Swanson, H., Daoust, P.-Y., (2018) Northern Contaminants Program 2017-2018 (Synopsis of Research Report) (p. 18). Pond Inlet, Nunavut: ARCTIConnexion Anaviapik Soucie, T., Maktar, E., Koonark, L., Peterloosie, A., Atkinson, D., Ljubicic, G., … Pond Inlet, E. (2017a, December). From Climate Change to Water Wealth and Health: Inuit Researchers Advancing Monitoring Capacity for Arctic Water Systems in Nunavut. Poster presented at the Arcticnet Annual Scientific Meeting - International Arctic Change Conference, Québec, Québec. Simonee, J., Jaworenko, A., Koonoo, I., Panipakochoo, E., Swanson, H., Daoust, P.-Y., … L’Hérault, V. (2017, December). Developing local research capacity for the monitoring of marine resources near Pond Inlet, Nunavut. Poster presented at the Arcticnet Annual Scientific Meetings - International Arctic Change Conference, Québec, Québec. Rahm, Jrene, Tagalik, S., Truchon, M.-H., L’Hérault, V., Karakani, T., (2017, October) A View on School Perseverance from an Informal Educational Practices Perspective Implemented by Inuit Communities. Oral presentation presented at the Colloque sur la persévérance et la réussite scolaires chez les premiers peuples 3e édition, Québec, Québec Anaviapik-Soucie, T., L’Hérault, V., Truchon, M.-H., Arreak, T., Shirley, J., Jolicoeur, L., … Elders of Mittimatalik, (2016, December) Two Years of Youth-Driven Arctic Research in Mittimatalik: What Can the Learning-by-Doing Approach Teach Us? Oral presentation presented at the Arcticnet Annual Scientific Meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Anaviapik-Soucie, T., Truchon, M.-H., L’Hérault, V., Rahm, J., Garakani, T., (2016, October) Community Based Projects with Inuit Youth, Families, and Communities: What Messages to Take Away from Inuit Education. Oral presentation presented at the Inuit traditions - 20th Biennial Inuit Studies Conference, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labdrador. Anaviapik-Soucie, T., Maktar, E., Truchon M.-H., L’Hérault, V. (2016) Water Quality Course Curriculum: Hands-on pedagogy anchored in Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit and theory- A Text Book for Inuit learners, ARCTIConnexion, 113pp. Okatsiak, J., Pauppa, S., L’Hérault, V., Truchon, M.-H., Vachon, J.-P., Danielou, A., (2016) Makkuktut. 4 Elements Productions Anaviapik-Soucie, T., Arreak, T., Harper, S.L., Jamieson, R.C., Truelstrup L.H., (2015, December) Building capacity to monitor the risk of climate change on water quality and human health: a two years journey expanding community-based leadership in Pond Inlet. Oral presentation presented at the Arcticnet Annual Scientific Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia L’Hérault, V., Truchon, M.-H., Alogut, P., Alogut, B., Arreak, T., Dubé, F., (2015) Northern Wind Southern Ice. Short movie, ARCTIConnexion productions. Anaviapik-Soucie, T., L’Hérault, V., Arreak, T., and the Elders of Pond Inlet, (2015) Building capacity to monitor fresh water quality in Pond Inlet: INUIT QAUJIMAJATUQANGIT REPORT 2015- Historical and cultural perspective on water uses, risks to human health, climate and environmental changes and recommendations for Adaptation, 53 pp. Anaviapik-Soucie, T., L’Hérault, V., Arreak, T., Maktar, E., Shirley, J., Jamieson, R., Truchon, M.-H., and the Elders of Pond Inlet, (2015) Building capacity to monitor fresh water quality in Pond Inlet-community needs assessment in a changing climate FINAL REPORT ON RESEARCH ACTIVITY 2014-15, 2015, 95 pp. Internal Report, Climate Change and Health Adaptation Program. Tagalik, S., Johnson, M., Kaviok, A., Kukshuk, A., Gavin, M., Nuesslin, S., Truchon M.-H., & L’Hérault, V. (2015). Greenhouse farming in Arviat – Phase 1 – Community Perspective – Capacity building for operating and monitoring, scientific experiment on the conditions to plant growth and food production. Internal Report, Climate Change and Health Adaptation Program. L’Hérault, Vincent, Truchon, Marie-Hélène, & Arreak, Trevor. (2014, November). Northern wind Southern ice reframing cross-cultural communication. Oral presentation presented at the 19e Congrès biennal d’Études Inuit Qaumaniq: Le savoir qui illumine – Enlightening Knowledge, Université Laval, Québec, Québec. Kunnuaq Konek, Curtis, L’Hérault, Vincent, & Tagalik, Shirley. (2014, June). Inuit experiences of climate change and the development of community-based environmental monitoring. Plenary session, Rimouski, Québec.


Niqihaqut: Food Sovereignty and Sustainable Harvest in Taloyoak - Indigenous Climate Monitoring Toolkit, 2024 Animated film presents Kivalliq research - Nunavut News, Nov. 8, 2022 Beyond Targets: Spotlight on Aviqtuuq indigenous protected and conserved area - WWF, Sept. 20, 2022 Taloyoak hunters, trappers get $3.5M to protect local marine area - Nunatsiaq News, Aug 15, 2022 Indigenous leadership - The Globe and Mail, June 8, 2022 Hudson Bay research shows reorganization of food chain - Nunavut News, January 27, 2022 Taloyoak HTO manager recounts trip to Glasgow for climate summit - Nunatsiaq News, Nov 19, 2021 Kivalliq Wildlife Board monitoring program hopes to improve wildlife management plans - Nunavut News, Oct 7, 2021 The pathways of contaminants to Arctic food, AMAP (2021) By the North for the North projects awarded over $3 million - Above & Beyond, March 12, 2021 New country food facility coming to Taloyoak - Nunatsiaq News, Feb 26, 2021 Massive increase in Nunavut mine shipping traffic puts narwhals at risk: study - The Narwhal, Feb 19, 2021 The tiny town of Taloyoak is an Arctic inspiration - WWF Canada, Feb 9, 2021 Inuit speak out against expansion of arctic iron mine, community concerned over wildlife impacts - WWF Canada, Feb 2, 2021 Increased shipping stressing out narwhals, say researchers - Nunatsiaq News, Dec 9, 2020 Two Nunavut projects among finalists for Arctic Inspiration Prize - Nunatsiaq News, Nov 25, 2020 Nunavut mine shipping ore must consider narwhal health, say hunters and trappers, feds - CBC News, Sept 18, 2020 Kivalliq Wildlife Board secures $600,000 research grant - Kivalliq News, June 30, 2020 Baffinland must clarify effects on narwhal before expansion of Nunavut iron ore mine - CBC News, Apr 26, 2019 CBC News : Igalaaq – CBC Igalaaq, Aug 09, 2018, 4:55 Création d'un atlas climatique pour suivre l'évolution des changements - Radio-Canada, Apr 22, 2018 One proud mentor - Kivalliq News, Nov 29, 2017 'We need to start now': New project aims to train Inuit researchers - CBC News, Oct 11, 2016 Arviat, Nunavut Young Adults Are Learning To Grow Their Own Produce - Huffington Post, May 19, 2016 Martine et le Projet Nord-Sud avec ARCTIconnexion - Radio-Canada, Feb 25, 2016 Arviat filmmakers, 21 and 22, head to Quebec for advanced training - CBC News, Feb 16, 2016 Prix Excellence en gestion de l'eau : ARTIConnexion reçoit une autre importante distinction - UQAR Info, Oct 24, 2014 Un projet de recherche de l'UQAR récompensé - TVA Nouvelles, Oct 20, 2014 Une reconnaissance nationale pour ARCTIConnexion - UQAR Info, Aug 14, 2014 Arviat group digs deep in the name of food security - Nunatsiaq News, Aug 1st, 2014 Changements climatiques : le savoir des peuples du Nord - Radio-Canada, Jun 5, 2014 Pond Inlet setting the bar high in water stewardship - Nunatsiaq News, May 30, 2014 Pond Inlet receives Award for Excellence in Water Stewardship - Nunavut Arctic College, May 29, 2014 Les premiers ministres des provinces et territoires rendent hommage à l’excellence en gestion de l’eau et lancent une version améliorée du site d’information sur l’eau - Le Conseil de la fédération des premiers ministres des provinces et des territoires, Mar 18, 2014 Vincent L’Hérault et Philippe Daigle sont boursiers du SPPUQAR - UQAR Info, Feb 26, 2014 Arctic Inspiration Prize - 2013 Laureates Une reconnaissance prestigieuse pour ARCTIConnexion - Gaïa Presse, Dec 17, 2013 Deux prix au Gala Forces AVENIR pour l'UQAR - UQAR Info, Oct 3, 2013 Inuit knowledge: the compass to a brighter future - A&B Canada's Arctic Journal, Sep 2, 2013 “Youth take on PR roles” - Kivalliq News, July 24, 2013 Intercultural Workshop Entitled "Research on Inuit Lands", April 2013 - CEN ULaval, April, 2013